Human Series

Photos Shoot By Nicky De Silva

Some new studio photos of me, I had these photos taken back in July by a photographer, Nicky De Silva. A stylist /store employee of Ivan Grundahl, wanted to shoot a series of humans. Styling them us, in Ivan Grundahl (clothes I have worn in this post here, here, here, here & here). A beautiful concept with diverse people. So wild how time have changes from when I started blogging till now. So much more representation of diverse ethnicity, but such a long way to go still. But a relief to know, that we are going the right direction.

I have been busy the last couple of days, with moving into my own apartment. I can’t wait to share with you guys when everything is together. Besides that, I have been busy with school and work. So many balls in the air right now, trying to juggle everything.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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